70. Issue Report

You can create a bug or issue report manually by selecting Create Issue Report in the main menu Tools.

This creates a Zip archive containing all relevant files needed to reproduce a problem.

Use this function if you wish to report a problem which might be only reproducible using your options and other files.

A Crash Report is created automatically if Little Navmap detects an improper shutdown of the last session, i.e. a crash.

A Zip file with all important settings and other files is created and can be shown by clicking the blue link in the notification dialog.

Files stored in the issue report:

  • Log file abarthel-little_navmap.log (also menu item Open Log File and see also Logs).

  • The configuration file little_navmap.ini (also menu item Open Configuration File and see also Configuration).

  • Aircraft performance as loaded from menu item Open Aircraft Performance.

  • Flight plan as loaded from menu item Open Flight Plan or a temporary plan little_navmap.lnmpln (see Configuration) if not saved.

  • Flight plan as stored in memory. Example: abarthel-little_navmap-be98511a50de4e89a3961c2d0c24bc52-report.lnmpln

  • The user aircraft trail in file little_navmap.track. See also Trails.

  • Content of the tab Airport -> Overview in the dock window Information. This is needed to identify problems with add-on airports, for example. File name is abarthel-little_navmap-c3511c03151240b48e2849fa79a43402-report-airport.html, for example.

Upload this file to a platform like FileTransfer.io and send me the link so I can try to reproduce the issue.

Please add all steps that are necessary to reproduce the error.

When an error occurs during loading of the scenery library send me the offending file if size permits. The full name and path of the file is shown on top of the error dialog if a specific file is the cause.

You can also copy and paste the section Data Sources from the tabs Airport -> Overview in the dock window Information to a report. This section can help to identify problems with add-on airports. See also Data Sources.

Please use either the forum or email to avoid confusion and additional effort. Please do not use both.

Contact and Support


If you’re concerned about privacy when sending log and other files:

The log and configuration files contain system paths (like your Documents directory) which will also include your username as a part of the path. They might also contain your computer’s name and IP address in your network.

In no case are file names of anything but the flight simulator or its configuration files included. No names or contents of personal files are included in the log and configuration files.

I’d recommend sending the reports by private forum message or by email and not attach them to forum posts where they are publicly visible for everybody.