58. Options Options

This options dialog contains the most important settings to change program behavior, map display and more.

Further customization for tables and information displays can be done in menu Tools using the items Elevation Profile Display Options, Aircraft Progress Display Options and Flight Plan Table Display Options.

The button Restore Defaults restores only the options of this dialog back to default. Other settings like map display, table views or dock window positions are not affected. You can press Cancel to close the dialog and undo this action.

To reset all saved settings completely see Reset all Settings and Restart.

The following chapters give a brief description of each page.

Using the help button in the options dialog window jumps directly to the related chapter for a page.


Most options are self-explaining and tooltips contain more information in most cases. Hover the mouse over a button or input field for a more detailed description.


You can immediately check the effect of your changes on the map display by moving the options dialog to the side and pressing Apply.


If you use Apple macOS:

The menu entry which is referenced as Tools -> Options in this manual for Windows and Linux can be found in the application menu at Little Navmap -> Preferences on macOS.

58.1. Options Pages

This dialog consists of several pages with configuration options that can be selected in the list on the left side. Each entry in the page list has a tooltip for easier navigation.


Note that scroll bars can show up at the right or the bottom of an options page. Scroll down or resize the dialog window to see hidden options.

58.3. Options Hints

Added hints prefixed with a light bulb in the options dialog pointing to other related settings. Some hints contain a link which directly opens the related page. Bold text is still an important note like Restart required.


An important message in bold text plus a hint.

58.4. Startup Icon Startup and Updates

Allows to customize what should be loaded and shown on startup of Little Navmap.

Disable options to have a clean user interface after startup or leave options checked to be able to continue where you left the program.

58.4.1. Load last used flight plan

This function allows to restore the last saved or edited flight plan on startup.


The last saved flight plan file or the last edited flight plan will be reloaded on startup.

You can exit Little Navmap without saving a new plan. All changes will be saved to a temporary file and are restored on next startup.

Little Navmap will not ask to save an already saved but changed plan on exit. The changes and the last saved file will be restored on next startup.

Not selected

The last saved flight plan will not be reloaded on startup.

Little Navmap will ask to save a plan on exit if it has been changed.

58.4.2. Update Check

You can also configure the frequency of the automatic update check and channels. See chapter Updates for more information.


Always update Little Navmap to the latest version which usually contains many improvements and bug fixes. Older versions are not supported.

58.5. User Interface Icon User Interface

This page contains options to force the program language and locale settings (number, date and time formats) to English if you do not want to use a translated user interface.

58.5.1. Language

Allows to choose the language freely among the supported translations. Note that some translations are incomplete which might result in a mix of English and translated phrases in the user interface.

You have to restart Little Navmap for this change to take effect.

58.5.3. Raise and activate docking windows when moving the mouse over it

Raises dock windows when hovering the mouse over it. This can be helpful if you have multiple floating dock windows opened.

See also Dock Windows.

58.5.4. Raise and activate the main program window when moving the mouse over it

Raises the main window of Little Navmap when hovering the mouse over it. This will steal the focus of other programs and activate Little Navmap which might cause unwanted effects. Therefore, try this out before using it.

See also Dock Windows.

58.6. Display and Text Icon Display and Text

Various user interface related settings.

58.6.1. User Interface Font

You can change the font for the whole user interface of Little Navmap.

The setting is applied immediately. Press Cancel or Reset Font to Default to revert back to previous.

The font for map display is not affected by this value and can be set separately on page Map Display.


Little Navmap remembers the size of dialog windows. In some cases you have to resize dialog windows after changing to a larger font to see all content.


Keep in mind that using a wrong or too large font can result in display issues.


Try out the B612 Font family which is an open source font family designed and tested to be used on aircraft cockpit screens.

58.6.2. Enable high DPI monitor support

Toggle this is you have problems with scaled fonts or symbols on Windows, cannot shrink the main window or other issues.

You have to restart Little Navmap after changing.

58.6.3. Use FreeType font engine on Windows

This option is only available on Windows.

Disable this if you think the overall appearance of text in Little Navmap on Windows is blurry. Enabling this option results in better and faster text display on the map, especially for rotated labels.

But as a result, the text will appear slightly blurred throughout the whole application. Deselect this to avoid the slightly blurred text in menus and application windows.


A restart is required after changing the font engine.

58.6.4. Show tooltips in whole application

Disables tooltips for the whole application if deselected except for the map window which has separate settings on page Map Tooltips and Clicks.

58.6.5. Text Size

Change default text size for various information displays and tables.


You can temporarily resize the text in information windows by using Ctrl+Wheel. This change is temporary and not saved.

58.7. Units Icon Units

You can change all units that are used by Little Navmap on this page between nautical, imperial and metric. Mixed settings like Meter for altitude and Nautical Miles for distance are possible.

  • Show other fuel units too: Shows kilogram and liter as small text besides main units if lbs and gallon are selected and vice versa. This is applied only to the most important fuel values like block and trip fuel, for example.

  • Show true course and heading besides magnetic course in information displays: Add true heading as small text besides magnetic heading displays. This applies to information, progress as well as map display (traffic patterns and holds).


See Signed Decimal Formats for more information when using Latitude and Longitude with sign or Longitude and Latitude with sign since these modes also affect coordinate input.

The format Degree, Decimal Minutes for Google is useful for input into Google Maps or Google Earth.


Note that any numbers used in the program are not converted when changing units.

That means that you will get a minimum altitude buffer of 1,000 meter after changing the setting Altitude and Elevation from feet to meter. This also applies to flight plan altitude. Therefore, do not forget to adapt these numbers after changing units.

58.8. Files Icon Files

Various settings for loading and saving files.

58.8.1. Center flight plan or aircraft trail on the map after loading

Zooms to the loaded plans or trails after loading from the menu File or after using drag and drop from a file manager like Windows Explorer.

58.8.2. Avoid overwriting Flight Plan with not matching departure and destination

Check this option to avoid overwriting LNMPLN files with wrong flight plans after changing, departure, destination or any other parameter used in the flight plan file.

The dialog Save Flight Plan as LNMPLN will show up instead of overwriting the current flight plan when you reverse the route, for example.

This will trigger Save as on every change that might affect the filename. Save as will pop up if you change the cruise altitude and it is a part of the filename, for example. A change in the airport name (switching simulators) might also trigger it.

58.8.3. Pattern for default LNMPLN flight plan names

Allows to customize the default file name which is proposed on first save of LNMPLN files ( Save Flight Plan and Save Flight Plan as LNMPLN).

See Flight Plan Multiexport for more information about how to customize the default file names for other flight plan formats which can be exported.

Error messages and an example is shown below the input field.

This pattern applies to new filenames when saving LNMPLN flight plans. The file suffix .lnmpln is added automatically.


The input field falls back to the default if it is left empty or has errors.

The following variables are recognized:

  • PLANTYPE: Text IFR or VFR depending on Flight Plan Type.

  • DEPARTIDENT: Departure airport ident

  • DEPARTNAME: Departure airport name

  • DESTIDENT: Destination airport ident

  • DESTNAME: Destination airport name

  • CRUISEALT: Cruise altitude in selected unit (meter or feet).

All variables have to be entered in upper case letters. Other characters are used as entered. Short

This button sets the flight plan file pattern to the short name DEPARTIDENT DESTIDENT.

Example: EDDF LIRF.lnmpln. Long

This button sets the flight plan file pattern to the long name PLANTYPE DEPARTNAME (DEPARTIDENT) to DESTNAME (DESTIDENT).

Example: IFR Frankfurt am Main (EDDF) to Fiumicino (LIRF).lnmpln.

58.9. Map Icon Map

Has map related customization options.

Hover the mouse above buttons and input fields to see more information.

58.9.1. Allow to undock the map window

Allows to undock and put the map window into a floating state which also results in more flexibility when positioning other dock windows.

This can cause several unwanted effects when arranging dock windows. Deselect this if you do experience problems when resizing dock windows.

You have to restart the program after changing this option.

See Window Layout for more information about window layouts which might be affected by this option.


You need to reset the window layout in case the map window is missing after a restart. Use menu Window -> Reset Window Layout to Default in the main menu to clean up the layout.

58.10. Map Tooltips and Clicks Icon Map Tooltips and Clicks

Allows to set the clicks/tooltips for various map features as well as the click/tooltip sensitivity. Hove the mouse over the buttons for more information.

58.11. Map Navigation Icon Map Navigation

Contains all options for moving and zooming around in the map as well as zoom distances.

Three navigation modes are available. Tooltips give more information about these.

58.12. Map Display Icon Map Display

This page contains options for symbol sizes, text sizes, flight plan and more for airports, navaids, airways, airspaces and aircraft.

Shown labels and airport diagram features can be changed on page Map Labels.

Use the scroll bar on the right to see more hidden options at the bottom of the window.

Symbol allows to adjust icon size of a feature type, Text can be used to adjust label size independent of the symbol, Text Background places the labels in a white rectangle if selected and Line Width adjusts flight plan and other line thickness.

Change colors by clicking on the colored buttons.

The option Hide aircraft on ground can be used to avoid hiding aircraft on ground at higher zoom levels. Disabling this can help to avoid hidden AI if traffic tools do not update the on-ground status of aircraft properly.

The option Hide multiple code "Z" airspaces and FBZ areas allows to hide redundant airspaces and flight buffer zones which are usually not used in flight planning. These are hidden by default

58.12.1. Map and Elevation Profile Font

You can change the font for the map display separately from the whole application (page Display and Text). The font will also be used in the elevation profile.

58.13. Map Display Flight Plan Icon Map Flight Plan

Change display options affecting flight plan display on the map and in the elevation profile.

Input fields are the same types as on page Map Display above.

Shown labels can be changed on page Map Labels.

58.14. Map Aircraftt Trail Icon Map Aircraft Trail

This page contains an option to use colored or black and white gradients for aircraft trail indicating flown altitude. The gradient is also used in the elevation profile.

You can also enable a tooltip for the aircraft trail on page Map Tooltips and Clicks.

58.14.1. Maximum number of aircraft trail points

Limits the number or aircraft trail to avoid performance issues when showing a too large number of trail points.

See Aircraft Trail for more information.

58.15. Map Display User Icon Map User

More display options for user features like range rings, measurement lines, highlights, userpoints, compass rose and more.

Input fields are the same types as on page Map Display.

58.16. Map Display Labels Icon Map Labels

This page contains a tree view that allows to select the text labels that should be shown at airports, navaids, airspaces, airways, user aircraft, AI/multiplayer aircraft and other map features.

Besides text labels airport details like aprons or taxiways can be enabled or disabled in the branch Airport Details.

The dialog uses a tree. See Trees for more information about this type of input element.

Note that some labels have a appended if label texts are suppressed due to higher zoom distances or lower detail levels.

58.17. Map Display Keys Icon Map Keys

On this page you can enter login information, tokens or API keys for map services which need a user account.

The required keys shown are extracted from the installed map themes. See Map Themes for more information about map themes.

The following map themes requiring an account come with Little Navmap:

A restart might be needed after changing keys.

Click one of the following links to go directly to the account pages of the respective map services. You need to sign in.


All services are free to use at the time of writing these instructions. You do not have to enter you credit card, account or other payment information to use these. Simply ignore these sections when signing in or creating an account.


Clear the map cache when changing configurable maps like MapBox User to see the changes. Map tiles are images which are stored in the local disk cache and are kept for two weeks in most maps.

You can open the cache using the menu item Tools -> Files and Directories -> Show Map Cache. See also Disk Cache for details.


Do not show these keys publicly in forums on screenshots.

58.17.1. Map Web Service Configuration

Click the images to enlarge. Mapbox


Location of the Mapbox access token on the Mapbox Account page. Use this as Value for Mapbox Token. Click image to enlarge.


Location of the Mapbox Studio URL on the Mapbox Studio page Insert this URL into the Add Mapbox User Map dialog window to add a user styled map to Little Navmap. Click image to enlarge. Thunderforest


Thunderforest Console with API key. Use this as Value for Thunderforest API Key. Click image to enlarge. Maptiler


Maptiler Cloud Account API key page. Use this as Value for MapTiler API Key. Click image to enlarge.

58.18. Map Display Online Icon Map Online

This page allows to change the default center circle sizes for online centers.

Two options below Online Center Boundary Lookup in User Airspaces can be used to assign OpenAir airspaces from the user airspace database to centers by matching filename or airspace name with the callsign of the center.

  • By airspace name vs. callsign: Use the airspace name within a file to assign the geometry to a center by callsign.

  • By airspace file name vs. callsign: Use the airspace filename minus the .txt extension to assign the geometry to a center by callsign.

See chapter Loading Airspaces for more information.

58.19. Simulator Aircraft Icon Simulator Aircraft

Allows to change various aspects around the display of the user aircraft

58.19.1. Simulator Aircraft Updates

Settings resulting in a more fluid aircraft display will use more CPU and can potentially induce stutters in the simulator.

58.19.2. Aircraft Centering Options

This chapter explains the various options to modify the map updates while flying. The idea is to reduce manual scrolling or zooming as much as possible while piloting the aircraft.

Read the chapters below if you find the behavior confusing (i.e. map jumping unexpectedly). Otherwise leave the default values.

See User Aircraft Centering for general information about aircraft centering while flying. Center map on aircraft and next flight plan waypoint

The map is zoomed to show both the aircraft and the next active waypoint on the flight plan if this is enabled while flying. Little Navmap uses several criteria to minimize map updates in this mode.

The map will fall back to the default mode of simply centering the aircraft if one of the conditions below is true:

  • No flight plan loaded.

  • Aircraft is on ground (no active magenta leg).

  • Aircraft distance to flight plan is more than 40 NM (active magenta leg disappears).

You can change the zoom freely if the fall back is active. Do not use box mode for following the aircraft. Move the map constantly.

Map will follow the aircraft constantly when checked. This is also used for Center map on aircraft and next flight plan waypoint.

This option will cause Little Navmap to consume more CPU resources while flying. Simulator aircraft scroll box size (percent of map window size)

Smaller values keep the aircraft centered and will move the map more often. Larger values will update the map only when aircraft reaches map boundary.

This setting is only applicable if Center map on aircraft and next flight plan waypoint above is disabled. Allow scrolling and zooming in the map and jump back to aircraft after

This setting allows a user to move around in the map without the need to manually disable the aircraft centering.

Time until aircraft following is activated again after any manual map interaction like scrolling or zooming.

You cannot move the user aircraft out of view if this option is disabled. The map will jump back immediately.

This option is also used in the Elevation Profile.

Allow scrolling enabled:

The map will stop following the aircraft for the given time if the user does any interaction with the map like scrolling or zooming. You can quickly check out the destination or your overall progress, and after you stop moving around, Little Navmap will return to following your aircraft.

This option is also used in Elevation Profile.

Toggle Center Aircraft Center Aircraft on and off if you find that the map jumps back to the wrong position.

Allow scrolling disabled:

Map will constantly follow the aircraft and will not allow moving away from it.

The aircraft centering will be switched off only when using one of the following functions:

  • Double-click into a table view or map display to zoom to an airport or a navaid.

  • Context menu item Show on map.

  • Go to Home or Go to Center for Distance Search.

  • Map link in Information dock window.

  • Show Flight Plan, when selected manually, or automatically after loading a flight plan.

  • Centering a Google Earth KML/KMZ file after loading

This allows a quick inspection of an airport or navaid during flight. To display the aircraft again use Map Position Back ( Map Position Back/Forward) or enable Map follows User Aircraft again. Zoom out on takeoff

Zooms out to a fixed zoom distance when a takeoff is detected.

This setting is only applicable if Center map on aircraft and next flight plan waypoint above is disabled. Zoom in on touchdown

Zooms in to a fixed zoom distance to show airport details when a takeoff is detected. Scroll flight plan table back to active leg after

The active (magenta) leg will be moved to the top of the flight plan table when a new leg is activated or there is no interaction with the table for the given time period. Clear selection in flight plan table after

The selection in the flight plan table and highlights on the map will be cleared after there is no interaction with the table for the given time period. Highlight active flight plan legs

Shows active flight plan legs in magenta color (default) on the map and in the flight plan table.

58.20. Flight Plan Flight Plan

Here you can set preferences for flight plan cruise altitude assignment. This is used when calculating a flight plan ( Flight Plan Calculation) or when adapting the cruise altitude automatically using Adjust Flight Plan Altitude in menu Flight Plan.

58.21. Weather Weather

Choose which weather services should be used to fetch and show METAR for airports in information window and map tooltips.

The weather type Flight Simulator will either display weather from the FSX or P3D connection or from X-Plane’s weather files.

The weather for a service is downloaded or read on demand when you enable the corresponding service for tooltips or information panels.

Online weather is downloaded and updated every ten minutes.


Simulator weather is not supported for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 since this simulator lacks the needed programming interfaces.

58.22. Weather Files Weather Files

Active Sky can only be selected if either Active Sky Next, AS16, Active Sky for Prepar3D v4 or Active Sky XP are installed or the weather file is selected directly. Selecting the Active Sky weather file directly can be useful if you run a networked setup. Use Windows shares or a cloud service to get access to the file on the remote computer.

The URLs of various weather services can be modified if you like to use another source. Usually there is no need to change these values.

Note that leading and trailing spaces are removed from the web addresses.

You can change the path to the X-Plane weather files if you’d like to load it on a remote computer using a network share.

The buttons Test for the online weather services can also be used to find out if Little Navmap can connect to Internet. Check your firewall settings if these fail.

Use Reset to set a value back to default if you change something accidentally.


While this happens rarely, some public services like NOAA might be interrupted for hours. Little Navmap will show error messages if this is the case.

You might want to check you internet access but otherwise ignore these if it does not happen for a longer time.

58.23. Online Flying Online Flying

This page allows to change settings for online networks.

VATSIM, IVAO and PilotEdge provide preconfigured options to connect to the services.

Use Custom with status file if you have a status file pointing to whazzup.txt files. Use Custom if you’d like to load a whazzup.txt file directly.

See Online Networks for an overview.

58.23.1. Online Service None

Disables all online services and hides all related window tabs, menu items and toolbar buttons. No downloads will be done. VATSIM

Uses the predefined configuration for the VATSIM network. No other settings are needed.

The update rate depends on configuration and is typically three minutes. IVAO

Uses the predefined configuration for the IVAO network. No other settings are needed.

The update rate depends on configuration and is typically three minutes. PilotEdge

Configuration for the PilotEdge network. Custom with Status File

This option allows to connect to a private network and will download a status.txt file on startup which contains further links to e.g. the whazzup.txt file. Custom

This option allows to connect to a private network and will periodically download a whazzup.txt file which contains information about online clients/aircraft and online centers/ATC.

58.23.2. Web Addresses Status File URL

Web address of the status.txt file. You can also use a local path like C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\status.txt.

This file is downloaded only on startup of the Little Navmap.

A button Test allows to check if the URL is valid and shows the first few lines from the downloaded text file. This does not work with local paths.

The status file format is explained in the IVAO documentation library: Status File Format.

Note that leading and trailing spaces are removed from the web address. Whazzup File URL

Web address of the whazzup.txt file. You can also use a local path like C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\whazzup.txt.

This file is downloaded according to the set update rate.

A button Test allows to check if the URL is valid. The test does not work with local paths.

The whazzup file format is explained in the IVAO documentation library: Whazzup File Format.

Note that leading and trailing spaces are removed from the web address.

whazzup.txt example:
UPDATE = 20181126131051


... Update Every

Sets the update rate that defines how often the whazzup.txt file is downloaded.

Allowed values are 1 to 1,800 seconds.

You can use smaller update rates for private online networks to improve map display updates.


Do not use update rates smaller than two minutes for official online networks. They might decide to block the application or block you based on your internet address if downloads are excessive. Format

IVAO or VATSIM. Depends on the format used by your private network. Try both options if unsure or you see strange effects like all aircraft pointing to the north.

58.24. Web Server Web Server

Configuration options for the internal web server of Little Navmap.

  • Document root directory: The root directory of the web server pages. Change this only if you would like to run a customized web server using your own style sheets and you own HTML templates.

  • Select Directory ...: Select root directory. Little Navmap will show a warning if no index.html file is found in the root directory.

  • Port number: Default 8965. That means you have to use the address http://localhost:8965/ or similar in your browser to access the web page of Little Navmap, for example. Change this value if you get errors like Unable to start the server. Error: The bound address is already in use..

  • Use encrypted connection (HTTPS / SSL): Encrypted connections use a precomputed self-signed certificate which comes with Little Navmap. A browser will show an error message if using this certificate and requires to add a security exception. The encrypted address is https://localhost:8965/, for example. Creating a self signed certificate is quite complex. Look at the various web articles by searching for How to create a self signed certificate.

  • Start Server: Start or stop the server to test the changes above. The server status (running or not running) is reverted to the previous state when pressing Cancel in the options dialog.

  • Label Web Server is running at http://my-computer:8965 (IP address Shows a list of valid links using the IP address and the host name (your computer name) of the web server. Clicking on either one opens the page in your default browser. You can always try the IP addresses if the computer names does not work. Some addresses might not work depending on network configuration.

    Note that the IP address of a computer can change for every reboot depending on network or router configuration. Try to use the host name which is stable.

    The list contains all computer addresses for IPv4 (like my-computer:8965 ( and IPv6 (like my-computer:8965 (fe80::c0b9:1832:abc5:d5a1:8965)).

    You might see more than one IPv4 address (e.g. one for WIFI and one for Ethernet) and several addresses for IPv6 if enabled.

See Web Server for detailed information.

58.25. Cache and Files Cache and Files

58.25.1. Map Display

Here you can change the cache size in RAM and on disk. These caches are used to store the downloaded images tiles from the online maps like the OpenStreetMap or OpenTopoMap.

All image tiles expire after two weeks by default and will be reloaded from the online services then.

You can delete the files manually using your file manager. You can also open the cache directory from menu Tools -> Files and Directories -> Show Map Cache or by clicking on the button Show Disk Cache in File Manager.

The RAM cache has a minimum size of 100 MB and a maximum size of 2 GB.

The disk cache has a minimum size of 500 MB and a maximum size of 8 GB.

See chapter Disk Cache for information on cache locations.


The map cache directory on Windows showing caches for four map themes. Delete all or any of these to save space. Click image to enlarge.

58.25.2. Map Display Themes

You can select a directory to lookup additional map themes for the background map layer. Each map theme has to consist of a directory containing the related .dgml and other files. See Map Themes for installation instructions.

External map themes are ignored if this field is empty.


Do not use the path .../data/maps/earth in the installation directory do install maps. This location is deprecated.

58.25.3. Install GLOBE elevation data

See GLOBE Offline Elevation Data for more information about the offline elevation data and how to download and install it.

58.26. Scenery Library Database Icon Scenery Library Database

Allows to configure the loading of the scenery library database.

Note that these paths apply to all Flight Simulators, FSX, P3D, MSFS and X-Plane.

You have to reload the scenery database in order for the changes to take effect.

Little Navmap supports linked scenery which is linked by symbolic links (all operating systems), Windows shortcuts, Windows junctions and macOS aliases. Note that this functionality is limited to the MSFS Community and X-Plane Custom Scenery directories. Other combinations are not tested.

58.26.1. Scenery library directories to include when loading

This list shows extra directories which are loaded additionally when reading the simulator scenery library. Add-on airports in the extra directories extending MSFS Community, X-Plane Custom Scenery or FSX/P3D Addon Scenery are read when loading the simulator scenery library database.

Note that airport files in this list are always read last which can affect the display in MSFS, FSX or P3D.


The add-ons in the selected directory and will be read recursively which means you can use sub-directories to organize your add-ons.

58.26.2. Scenery library directories or files to exclude from loading

All directories including sub-directories as well as files in this list will be omitted when loading the scenery library into the Little Navmap database. You can also use this list to speed up database loading if you exclude directories that do not contain airports or navaids (landclass, elevation data and others).

You can also exclude FSX, P3D, MSFS BGL or X-Plane apt.dat files if needed.

Select one or more entries in the list and click on Remove to delete then from the list.


Note that you can select more than one entry in the file dialog to add several entries at once.

58.26.3. Scenery library directories to exclude from add-on recognition

FSX/P3D: All scenery data that is found outside of the base flight simulator Scenery directory is considered an add-on and will be highlighted on the map as well as considered during search for add-ons.

X-Plane: All airports in the Custom Scenery directory are considered add-on airports and will be highlighted accordingly.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: All airports located in the Community directory and the Official\OneStore or Official\Steam are considered to be add-on airports. Exceptions are fs-base, fs-base-genericairports and fs-base-nav.

You can use this list to modify this behavior.

Add-ons, like Orbx FTX Vector or fsAerodata add scenery files that correct certain aspects of airports like elevation, magnetic declination or others. All these airports will be recognized as add-on airports since all their files are not stored in the base flight simulator Scenery directory.

Insert the corresponding directories or files into this list to avoid unwanted highlighting of these airports as add-ons.


Page Scenery Library Database with three directories and three files excluded from loading and two directories excluded from add-on recognition.

58.26.4. Examples

The examples are based on a simulator installed in C:\Games\FSX. ORBX Vector

Exclude the directories below from add-on recognition. Do not exclude them from loading since you will see wrong airport altitudes.


  • C:\Games\FSX\ORBX\FTX_VECTOR\FTX_VECTOR_APT Flight1 Ultimate Terrain Europe

Exclude these directories from loading to speed up the process:

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurAirports

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurGP

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurLights

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurRail

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurStream

  • C:\Games\FSX\Scenery\UtEurWater ORBX Regions

Exclude these directories from loading: