84. Appendix

84.1. Tips for slow Computers

  • Dialog Options -> Map -> Details while scrolling ...: Use Normal ...

  • Dialog Options -> Simulator Aircraft -> Simulator Aircraft scroll box size ...: Use a higher value to reduce map updates.

  • Close the window Flight Plan Elevation Profile. It will stop all background processing when closed.

  • Avoid airspaces. Switch them off using the Show Airspaces button on the airspaces toolbar.

  • Switch off all AI traffic in the dialog Connect. See Options.

  • Use the map projection Mercator. It consumes less resources since it can use the downloaded image tiles as is and does not transform them to the spherical format.

84.2. Troubleshoot

See also Little Navmap - Frequently asked Questions which is updated regularly.

84.3. Known Problems and Frequently asked Questions

See also Little Navmap - Frequently asked Questions which is updated regularly.

84.4. How to report a Bug

A screenshot of the full Little Navmap window including title or a flight plan depending on issue might be helpful at first.

Apart from that you can send me an issue report which provides all needed information for reproducing a crash or other problem. See chapter Issue Report.